Transform Your Leadership, Reclaim Your Peace:

Master the Art of Executive Excellence

Feeling the weight of leadership? Navigate the pressures with clarity and balance. Align your professional success with personal fulfillment.

Every executive faces unique challenges. From managing stress to balancing life and work, the journey at the top can be isolating and overwhelming. You're not alone in this. Ken Dombrowski, with his personal experience and professional expertise, is here to guide you through these challenges.

Introducing Ken

Meet Ken Dombrowski, a seasoned Executive Life Coach and Master Hypnotist. With over 20 years of experience and a personal journey of transformation, Ken brings empathy and depth to his coaching. His approach, tailored to the nuanced needs of executives, blends traditional coaching with innovative techniques like hypnosis and mindfulness.

executive coaching

How Can Ken Help?

Ken's coaching is transformative. He helps you:

  • Master Stress and Anxiety: Transform stress into a driving force.

  • Enhance Decision-Making: Gain clarity and confidence in your choices.

  • Achieve Work-Life Harmony: Balance success in the boardroom with fulfillment at home.

  • Develop Executive Presence: Inspire trust, respect, and admiration."

The Executive Coaching Program:

Our programs are designed to address the specific needs of today's leaders. Engage in personalized sessions, deep meditative hypnosis, and practical exercises, all aimed at elevating your executive capabilities.


Business retreats available as an add-on.

Included in the year-long program.

Call Us

Read stories from those who have experienced profound transformations through our coaching program.

Their journeys of overcoming challenges and achieving new heights can be your inspiration.

multi-level building

Ready to Begin Your Journey?

Embark on a path to executive excellence with Ken Dombrowski. Start with a discovery call to discuss your unique challenges and aspirations. Unlock your potential for greater leadership and a more fulfilling life."

Schedule Your Transformational Discovery Call

Why Choose This Program?

Selecting the right executive coaching program is pivotal. Here’s why Ken Dombrowski’s program stands out:

  • Tailored Coaching: Customized 6-month journey, adapting to your unique leadership style and goals.

  • Power Sessions: Intensive twice-weekly one-on-one sessions (90 minute in person, 60 minute virtual), including a breakthrough half-day immersion.

  • Holistic Approach: A fusion of executive coaching, hypnotherapy, and personalized growth strategies.

  • Impactful Outcomes: Master decision-making, cultivate inspiring leadership qualities, and achieve balance and fulfillment.


Ready to redefine your career and life? Let's connect and explore how this program can catapult you to new heights.

  • What makes Ken's coaching different from other executive coaches?

    Ken's approach is holistic, combining traditional coaching techniques with hypnosis, Reiki, and other healing modalities. His personal journey and experiences give him a unique perspective, allowing him to relate deeply to his clients' challenges and


  • How is the program tailored to my specific needs?

    The initial discovery call with Ken helps identify your unique challenges, goals, and aspirations. Based on this, Ken customizes the program, incorporating relevant techniques and modalities to ensure maximum impact.

  • I'm new to hypnosis and Reiki. Will they be a mandatory part of the program?

    No, these modalities are incorporated based on individual needs and comfort levels. If you're open to exploring them, Ken will guide you through the process. If not, the focus will remain on traditional coaching techniques.

  • What if I need to reschedule a session?

    Life happens, and Ken understands that. If you need to reschedule, simply reach out at least 48 hours in advance to find a mutually convenient time.

  • Is there any post-program support?

    Yes, Ken believes in continuous growth. After the program, there will be periodic check-ins to ensure you're on track and to address any new challenges that may arise.

  • Is there a payment plan available?

    Yes, flexible payment options are available, which can be discussed during the discovery call.

  • I'm not an executive but am interested in the program. Can I still enroll?

    Absolutely! While the program is tailored for executives, the principles and techniques are universally applicable. Ken works with individuals from various backgrounds, helping

    them achieve personal and professional growth.

  • What if I'm not satisfied with the program?

    Ken's primary goal is your growth and satisfaction. If at any point you feel the program isn't meeting your expectations, please communicate your concerns, and every effort will be made to address and rectify them.

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